Ricky Martin: tal vez

Tal vez
Tal vez será que esta historia ya tiene final
Perhaps this story already has an end
No sé porque hoy te siento tan distante de mí
I don´t know why today I feel you are so distant from me
que a pesar que lo intento de nuevo
although I am trying again
tal vez llegue tarde, ya no hay nada que hacer
maybe it is to late, now there's nothing to do
y no puedo creer que el tiempo que hemos tenido
and I can not believe that time we have had
tal vez se nos gastó
maybe has finished
Tal vez fui yo que no te di una noche entera
Maybe I was the guilty one because I never gave you everything
tal vez nunca te he dado lo que tú esperabas
Maybe I've never gave you what you expected
y no estaba cuando me necesitabas
and I wasn't when you needed me
tal vez no te escuché, tal vez me descuidé
maybe I did not not hear, maybe I neglected you
Tal vez se me olvidó que yo te amaba.
Maybe I forgot that I loved you
Tal vez........ ay,ay,ay,ay
Tal vez será que por ahora ya no hay nada que hablar
It may be that now there is nothing to talk about
tal vez esta vez necesitamos tiempo para pensar
Maybe this time we will need time to think
Y yo por mi parte propongo intentarlo de nuevo,
I propose we try again
volver a empezar
start again
que por más que lo pienso
no matter how much I think
no encuentro una sola razón para seguir sin tí
I cannot find a single reason to go on without you
repeat (1)
Tal vez me sorprendió la vida por la espalda
Maybe life surprised me from behind
Y tira y tira y se rompió la cuerda
And pull and pull and the rope broke
Tal vez nunca entendí lo que eras para mí
Maybe I never understood that you were for me
Tal vez yo nunca supe a quien amaba
Maybe I never knew who I loved
repeat (1)